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The Tank is a non-profit arts presenter serving emerging artists engaged in the pursuit of new ideas and forms of expression. We serve over 2,000 artists every year in over 800 performances in our new home on 36th Street, and work across all disciplines, including theater, comedy dance, film music, public affairs, and storytelling. Our goal is to foster an environment of inclusiveness and remove the burden of cost from the creation of new work for artists launching their careers and experimenting within their art form. We keep ticket prices affordable and view our work as democratic, opening up both the creation and attendance of the arts to all.
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APRIL 09-12 2019
At The Tank
Generation (Laz)Y is a satirical comedy about the economy and the Millenial or “Gimme,” generation. Margaret Chatterly is a thirty-something year old woman living in a tent in her parents’ backyard, holding down two minimum wage jobs and one internship and is utterly convinced she's dying--whether from the stress or the absurdity! As Margaret struggles to get enough hours and pay to justify her existence, she may just take some drastic measures before society slowly crushes her.
$15 online
$18 at the Door
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